October 14, 2024

NEW! Pirates of the Caribbean (WDW) Torre Del Cielo

About 15 years ago I created a model of the clock tower which is part of the WDW Pirates of the Caribbean queue facade. The tower, known as Torre del Cielo , recently had a rennovation which gave it a new color scheme so I decided to update the existing model and I added a portion of the queue facade along with the crow's nest and sail. It replaced the old model in the Purgatory. You can find it here https://www.haunteddimensions.raykeim.com/index318.html

August 13, 2024

Haunted Dimensions Turns 20!

Haunted Dimensions is 20 years old! Thanks to the support of Dimensioneers like you. If you have been a fan of my projects and site over the years, please consider making a donation, or better yet, buy one of my 20th tees (link on the website). The shirts will be gone forever soon.

April 2, 2023

Haunted Dimensions Goes To France!

I will be revealing my newest paper model kit on April 22 at the CAPC Museum of Contemporary Art in Bordeaux, France as part of the museum's exhibition, "Barbe a Papa"!
I will be joining artist Cécile di Giovanni and others to discuss the relationships between art, themed attractions, history, legends (and horror). Cécile is using the 1890s story and legend of H.H. Holmes and his Chicago "murder castle", as the backdrop for a "Holmes Fan Fest" that will kick off the discussions. If you are unaware of the H.H. Holmes story, there are tons of websites and videos about it.
Cécile asked me to design a paper model of the "Castle" as it looked during Holmes' time. (The "Castle" was actually a hotel for visitors coming to the 1893 Chicago World Exposition where Holmes supposedly murdered scores of people. It was torn down in the 30s and replaced with a post office)
The model will be part of her exhibit and I will also be hosting a workshop during the event where patrons can build their own.
I WILL be releasing it on Haunted Dimensions as well!
I'll keep you posted when it's ready.

May 27, 2020


After several weeks of hard work during my spare time, it is ready! I wanted to release it while people were still looking for quarantine projects. Other than trying to stay true to the original house facade from the TV series, it is entirely my interpretation. I tried to keep it relatively simple. If it gives you some joy and entertainment in the coming weeks, please help me out by tossing a few bucks into the Haunted Dimensions DONATE button (it's at the bottom of each model download page)! Hope you like it!

February 15, 2020

An Old, New Model Kit!

"One, two, Freddy's coming for you.
Three, four, better lock your door!"
Introducing my oldest "new" model! "A Nightmare on Elm Street: Dreamwalkers". Originally created for Halloween Horror Nights 2007 but never released until now! (Please let me know if you come across any mistakes or technical issues.)

Download at http://www.haunteddimensions.raykeim.com/index675.html

October 25, 2018

A Gingerbread Liberty Square Mansion!

Haunted-dimensioneers, Erika and David, transformed my Liberty Square haunted mansion model into GINGERBREAD! They previously constructed my Phantom Manor Cookie House and "Got the bug for gingerbread". Their works get displayed in their local library to the delight of guests. They used the paper model parts as templates to cut the gingerbread elements. The final product is phenomenal! Thanks for sharing your masterpiece, Erika and David! (It's something I've wanted to do for a very long time, but so far have chickened out!)

My Phantom Manor cookie house can be found HERE.

September 6, 2018

Haunted Dimensions Music Box!

I added in inexpensive hand-crank music box to my New Orleans Square Paper Model Kit, to add a wonderful new dimension!

After much searching, and several disappointments, I found a place that sells "Grim Grinning Ghosts" hand-crank music boxes. "The Vermont Country Store" web site sells the music box mechanism.  Found at ( https://www.vermontcountrystore.com/2-halloween-hurdy-gurdies/product/72841 ). Unfortunately, they only sell them as a packaged pair of music boxes. The other tune being, "Funeral March Of the Marionette" (Hitchcock theme). I asked and they can't substitute for 2 "Grim" boxes. The up side is that the Funeral March might be an appropriate addition to my Psycho House paper model! The mechanism is housed in a small cardboard box and is easily removed, if you wish.  These are cool even if you don't put them in my paper models! I can tell you this info now, since I already bought several more, in case they sell out again 
Remember: My FREE paper model kits can be downloaded at http://www.haunteddimensions.raykeim.com/index301.html .