January 13, 2007

The Voice of "Master Shake"

"Great site, amazing stuff, I can't wait to go blind putting them all together. thanks! Keep up the amazing work!" 
~Guest book entry from Dana Snyder, the voice of "Master Shake" on "Aqua Teen Hunger Force"~
(one of my favorite shows on Adult Swim)
Thanks Dana! It was a thrill to hear from you! 

January 12, 2007

Well, It's Gone !

What ever the plans may be, changes have already begun.
The cool, little well which was near the entrance to mansion has been removed. You may remember that I was planning to make a little paper model of the well some time and I took many reference photos of the well in the Spring of 2006. It is a good thing I did.

Another piece of rather sad news is that the fabled "Wedding Ring" has been removed from the paving at the mansion's exit queue! I wish they could have saved it or perhaps they might create an "official" ring which could be embedded somewhere else near the mansion. Even if the legend of the ring is unrelated to the mansion's &quo t;story line", it is a fun detail. When I was there last year I saw a family keenly looking at the paving around the exit and it was obvious what they were doing. I was able to direct them to the ring, and they were very happy to find it!
The ring was actually a remnant of a sawed off exit gate rod which looked like a ring.
Here is my photo of the ring taken in 2004.

The ring now looks like this.